To view this year's District Chairmen / Officers, click on the corresponding section below:
District Deputy Grand Master

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District Secretary

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Committee Role: Maintain communication with district lodges for self and DDGM. Manage communications with Grand Lodge for District and DDGM. Maintain and monitor District finances, prepare Budget and statement of accounts. Assist DDGM as required.
W. Bro. Brian Hay/Emeritus V. W. Bro. James Keith
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Committee Role: Monitor the lodges for potential cases of benevolence. Assist in preparing necessary documentation. Participate on the Ottawa committee. Assist in requesting benevolence from Grand Lodge.
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Committee Role: Monitor the lodges for potential cases of benevolence. Assist in preparing necessary documentation. Participate on the Ottawa committee. Assist in requesting benevolence from Grand Lodge.

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Committee Role: Plan, book and organize District Divine Service. Deliver Invocations as requested by the DDGM.
Charity, OMA

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Committee Role: Register the District project with the MFO. Promote the project within the District. Organise presentation of funds.

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Committee Role: Assist the District in knowing times for Official Visits and Installations. Advise webmaster of tyling and Festive Board times two weeks before those meetings. Monitor movements of the Travelling Gavel.
District Management (By-Laws, Planning)
W. Bro. Rob Bryce
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Committee Role: Bylaws - provide the Bylaws upon request within the District, update/revise Bylaws upon instruction. Planning - advise/assist lodges in preparing long range plans upon request.
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Committee Role: Bylaws - provide the Bylaws upon request within the District, update/revise Bylaws upon instruction. Planning - advise/assist lodges in preparing long range plans upon request.
District Piper

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Grand Lodge Programs

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Committee Role: Maintain a working knowledge of the Grand Lodge Programs described on the Grand Lodge website such as Friend to Friend, Mentors, Cornerstone. Maintain and share a list of those programs. Provide advice and assistance to lodges on Grand Lodge Programs on request. Help with access to the Grand Lodge members section.

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Committee Role: Keep records of the events and developments in the District. Prepare an annual report for the District. Provide information on district or lodge history upon request from the District.

W. Bro. David Brown
Bro. Joe Radmore
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Committee Role: Make an inventory of images of WMs, District Chairmen and Grand Lodge Officers. Make those images available within the District upon request.
Protocol, Education & Instruction

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Committee Role: Protocol - provide advice to lodges on protocol on request, assist in finding publications on protocol from Grand Lodge. Education - keep an inventory of education offers to the District, assist lodges seeking education on request. Instruction - provide an instruction session on the Installation ceremony, assist lodges seeking instruction on ritual on request.

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Committee Role: Retired Regalia - coordinate a registry of regalia available for repurposing with assistance as required.
Senior Warden Mentoring

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Committee Role: Provide regular instruction sessions for SWs and others advancing in the chairs. Arrange for guest speakers at some sessions.
Social Events

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Committee Role: Maintain the District website for the benefit of the District. Update the calendar for Official Visits and Installations when advised. Include such additional information as developed with the DDGM.
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Liaison

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Committee Role: Provide information within the District upon request, and respond to in-person and electronic requests.
Scottish Rite: The purpose of the Scottish Rite in Canada, simply stated, is to seek which is the most worth in the world; to exalt the dignity of every person, the human side of our daily activities and the maximum service to humanity; to aid mankind search in God's universe for identity, for development and for destiny, and thereby achieve better men in a better world, happier men in a happier world and wiser men in a wiser world. The whole of Canada constitutes a single Scottish Rite jurisdiction with some 27,000 members. In Canada the term "Scottish Rite" is a short form for "The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada". Application for membership in the Scottish Rite is open to members in good standing in any recognized Craft Lodge who are Master Masons. Continued membership in a Craft Lodge is required to maintain good standing in the Scottish Rite.
The Scottish Rite has been active in the Ottawa Region since 1890. Members hail from Ottawa District 1, Ottawa District 2, St. Lawrence, Eastern and Frontenac Districts of the GRC as well as Lodges in the Western part of the Province of Québec. It consists of 3 bodies; the Ottawa Lodge of Perfection (conferring the 4th through 14th Degrees), the Murray Chapter of the Rose Croix (conferring the 15th through 18th Degrees), and the Ottawa Consistory (conferring the 19th through 32nd Degrees). Degrees are presented using drama. There are casts of characters, which portray each Degree utilizing costumes, staging, sound and light and music. In addition, the Scottish Rite supports numerous projects related to solving "The Puzzles of the Mind" via the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation. At the present time there are approximately 600 Scottish Rite Masons in Ottawa and the surrounding areas that belong to the Valley of Ottawa.
Prince Hall Liaison
R. W. Bro. Jim Bowman
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Committee Role: To coordinate the silver trowel exchange and liaison between both Ottawa District 1 Masons and Prince Hall Masons.
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Committee Role: To coordinate the silver trowel exchange and liaison between both Ottawa District 1 Masons and Prince Hall Masons.
Tunis Shrine Liaison
R.W. Bro. Dennis Saikaley
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Committee Role: Provide information within the District upon request, and respond to in-person and electronic requests.
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Committee Role: Provide information within the District upon request, and respond to in-person and electronic requests.
York Rite Liaison

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Committee Role: Provide information within the District upon request, and respond to in-person and electronic requests.
York Rite: There are three main bodies that confer degrees and orders in York Rite Masonry. There are others in which one may join either by application or by invitation. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario is the main body of this system. Membership in the Royal Arch is preeminent for membership in all York Rite bodies. Grand Lodge is in amity with Grand Chapter as it is an appendant body of The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Royal Arch Masonry is stylised as the completion of the Master Mason Degree. To acquire membership in Royal Arch Masonry one must be a Master Mason in good standing of a Lodge in Ontario. The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Ontario [Cryptic Rite Masons] is in amity with Grand Chapter as is Sovereign Great Priory of Canada [Knights Templar]. The Order of the High Priesthood, and Knight York Rite Cross of Honour are also York Rite bodies one can make application to. The Red Cross of Constantine [Conclave] and York Rite Sovereign College are by invitation only.